Indian Point, Auke Bay

Sept. 14th

Our last night "out"! How fitting, it's blowing crazy hard out there right now. They're calling for 25-35 knot winds tonight and they've arrived. In anticipation of this storm, we paddled to within a couple hundred yards of the Ferry terminal. We're as close as we could possibly be and not be at the terminal. Our ferry departs tomorrow at 5:00pm which leads to thoughts of finishing and closure... (Mike)

It was super windy last night. Our night of sleep was sporadic. Luckily, we were poised for a short paddle to the terminal. Although, I was extremely surprised by how hard it was roaring in our little protected bay. We launched and were quickly blown to the other side. I'd say it was the worst conditions we paddled in all trip and I'm happy neither of us capsized. What a final paddle... (Sonja)